The result of continuous research on how to reach the best dough is here. Tekno Stamap, diving arm mixer, created for high-hydration, airy dough. Great base for ciabatta, baguette, croissants and more. The diving arm mixer imitates kneading by hand. This leads to excellent gluten development and a flavourful taste of the final product. The diving arm mixer delivers outstanding products by not heating the dough during kneading. The arms gently mix all the ingredients together, incorporating a high amount of oxygen. The arms are made from aluminum, and the rest is made from stainless steel, including the bowl. All the mechanical parts and gears are cast iron and run in oil, guaranteeing long life and quietness. This mixer has a plastic protecting lid to prevent flour dust from getting into the air.Gentle Kneaded & Flavourful Dough
You can adjust the height of the diving are based on the type of dough you are mixing
Thanks to two gentle, mixing arms, the dough is not heating up during the kneading
Setting based on your individual needs
Protective lid & safety guard & the arms always up
Type: Diving arm mixer, double arm mixer, twin arm mixer, dough mixer, bakery mixer, pastry mixer Electrical: 3-phase+ ground and neutral 230 V (compatible with 220 V and 208 V) Bowl capacity: 30 kg (66 lb)- 120 kg (264 lb) Bowl type: Fixed bowl Shipping weight: 400 kg (882 lb)- 994 kg (2191 lb) Maintenance: Easy to clean Safety: Safety guard, emergency stop and safety grid, the arms always stop in the raised position, protective plastic lid
Customizable features: