You don’t have to lay low; grow your business stronger and bigger with no risks! Are you always thinking and wondering how to adapt to today’s quick lifestyle? That is why engineers in Italian Esmach stepped in. Continuous work on newer, better, and improved machines brought EsmachLab to life for a lifestyle that always emphasizes innovations and sustainability. Become a new-generation baker, following the traditional baking principles with natural mother yeast and no chemical ingredients. No more baking during the night and sleeping during the day. EsmachLab is a life-changing system containing five appliances, which can easily fit into spaces smaller than 32 sqm. The baking laboratory is built from five appliances: a yeast machine, an Esmach spiral mixer, a retarder proofer, a multipurpose Paneotrad– moulding, rolling and cutting machine, and the last of the series Esmach deck oven. All the machines complement each other perfectly, resulting in perfectly leavened sourdough. When tradition meets innovation, success is guaranteed.Complete Sourdough Production Solution for Small Spaces
Turn your life upside down with five new helpers in your kitchen
Bake only as much as you need and when you need
And your customers will get fresh bread made from scratch
Real work system will change your life, so you can enjoy more daylight
Oh, if we didn't mention this yet, yes production of mother yeast this way is efficient
These three visualizations are here to explain that, better than thousands of words. Another possible layout, with a bigger proofer which can fit up to 6 racks. Thinner and deeper 4-deck electric oven with loader. The space requirement for this layout is 32 sqm. EsmachLab layout with oven loader, version with wider 3-deck oven. The space requirement for this layout is 28.1 sqm. The smallest possible design, just 21 sqm, can fit all five appliances. 3-deck oven without oven loader and with single retarder proofer. Are you still wondering how this is possible?