Unique feature created in Panem for proofing and retarding frozen, raw dough. Profit from years of expertise and know-how from engineers in Panem. The retarding and the proofing process come from the Panem retarder proofer. The main difference is in the heating and cooling power. Since the dough is frozen, it needs less cooling for retarding. But, on the other hand, it needs more heating to defrost properly before proofing. This retarder proofer shares all technical features with the Panem roll-in retarder and proofer.Start Proofing Straight from the Freezer
Benefits from Panem's years of expertise and know-how
Thanks to extra heating and cooling power, the retarder proofer is able to process the dough
Inside stainless steel construction ensures proofer won't be attacked by corrosion
Retarder proofer is delivered ready to be used right on
The humidity control is controlled by a mechanical hygrostat
Type: Roll-in retarder proofer, bakery retarder proofer Electrical: 1-phase 230 V Proofing temperature range: 40°C (104°F) Humidity range: 99% Cooling temperature range: -5°C (23°F) Capacity: 1-7 racks, depending on model Control panel: Electromechanical, touchscreen optional Shipping weight: Depending on model Maintenance: Low maintenance, designed for easy cleaning
Customizable features: